martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

Jobs at the cinema

And continuing with the life of the famous Steve Jobs also decided to bring his life to cinema, in the month of October comes to theaters JOBS a film that tells the story of the founder of the Apple company, we hope to learn more about how this college student came to create the second largest computer company in the world ... stay tuned for this great release.

La Vie en Rose

Many famous people have taken his life to the big screen, today I want to share the life of Edith Piaf, French singer famous in the 50s and 60s, the film that tells his story La Vie en Rose shows her childhood, adolescence, maturity and vejes. It is a true story of love and hatred ... advise see it fall in love with French music and the old France.


A new way of seeing the movie is coming to our national cinemas, the 3D system was not commonly known in this market film making sauces and revolutionizes the cinema both large and for boys, classic films like Park Jurassic trilogy lord of the Rings and other screens again with this added value ... which of course fascinates and delights the public. Recall that the first films that came to our country with a similar system could be seen projected on the Dome Cinema Maloka, well this is already available to all invite you to enjoy this new way of watching movies.


To marvel at the true history of cinema, we must go back to the days of Charlie Chaplin a true sample of one hundred comic without words, this man achievement making people laugh his whole country and then the world with their films, laughing and cries of nobility left messages for our lives. Charlie Chaplin silent film icon and spoken.

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013


Introducing the world the best of Colombian cinema, actors and high quality authentic, one example is this great movie CRIME WITH SEA ... with a selection of international and national actors the best ... view recommend not regret.

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013


The Conjuring, a horror film based on a true story of the years 70-80, the scenery shows the excellent work of the crew, is to admire its actors: Professionals to give everything on the set, his characterizations are really experiential; this is a great movie worthy of an Oscar from the academy ... I recommend watching the jijiji accompanied